Sunday, June 30, 2013


Run time: 97 minutes
Action time: 15 minutes
Action percentage: 15.5%
Action rating: 6.4/10
The action in this movie really isn't all that great. There aren't that many action sequences in the film, and all of them are fairly short except for the last one. Overall, the limited amount of action coupled with the dull fight scenes makes this movie very weak in the action department.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Run time: 103 minutes
Action time: 17.5 minutes
Action percentage: 17%
Action rating: 6.6/10
The action in this film is a little below the average for a comic book movie. It has the usual number of action sequences one would expect to find in a super hero movie, but none of them are very long. Overall, the action isn't bad even though having some longer fight scenes would have been a nice addition.

Friday, June 28, 2013

V for Vendetta

Run time: 133 minutes
Action time: 8 minutes
Action percentage: 6%
Action rating: 5.7
The action in this movie is very sparse to say the least. There really aren't that many action sequences to speak of, and none of them end up being that long, either. In the end, the film is more of a thriller than a straight up action movie, but even that doesn't make up for the movie's overall lack of action.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Matrix Revolutions

Run time: 129 minutes
Action time: 30 minutes
Action percentage: 23%
Action rating: 7.4/10
The action in this third installment is better than it is in the first movie, but not quite on the level of the second movie. The action sequences are less focused on hand to hand combat and more focused on shoot outs, but the final battle more than makes up for the lack of Kung Fu. In the end, the franchise closes with plenty of great action.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Matrix Reloaded

Run time: 138 minutes
Action time: 35 minutes
Action percentage: 25%
Action rating:  7.7/10
The action in this sequel is a level above the action in the previous movie. Both the effects and fight choreography have been improved, along with the length and overall quality of the action sequences. In the end, the film's improvements in the action department over it's predecessor makes for an impressive action movie to behold.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Matrix

Run time: 136 minutes
Action Time: 27 minutes
Action percentage: 20%
Action rating: 7.2/10
This movie has some of the best action you'll see from an action movie in the 1990s. Not only were the visual effects in the film ahead of their time, but also the choreography in the fight scenes, which were inspired by Japanese anime films. In the end, the action in this movie is on another level when compared to what came before it.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Run time: 121 minutes
Action time: 15 minutes
Action percentage: 12.5%
Action rating 6.4/10
There really isn't that much action to speak of in this movie. Most of the action is more horror oriented, so it's more focused on scares than it is on huge action set pieces. In the end, this film is more of a thriller than it is a big action spectacle, which is why the amount action isn't that significant when compared to the usual comic book movie.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Amazing Spider-Man

Run time: 136 minutes
Action time: 30 minutes
Action percentage: 22%
Action rating: 7.4/10
The action in this reboot is better than the action in the previous three Spider-man movies. There really isn't any significant action in the film until about halfway through, which is par for the course when it comes to super hero origin stories. In the end, the improvement in the action over previous installments is what this reboot needed.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Spider-Man 3

Run time: 139 minutes
Action time: 28 minutes
Action percentage: 20%
Action rating: 7.3/10
This movie has the best action of the first three installments in the Spider-Man film franchise. Not only has the overall amount of action in the movie been increased, but there is also an overall increase in the quality of the action as well. In the end, the trilogy comes to a satisfying conclusion as it closes on a high note in the action department.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Spider-Man 2

Run time: 127 minutes
Action time: 23 minutes
Action percentage: 18%
Action rating: 6.9/10
The action in this sequel is step above the action of the previous installment. Not only are some of the major action sequences longer than they were in the first film, but they are also a bit more impressive. In the end, the overall improvement of the action scenes takes the franchise to the level it needs to be at as far as the action goes.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Run time: 121 minutes
Action time: 20 minutes
Action percentage: 16.5%
Action rating: 6.7/10
The action in this movie is about average for a super hero origin story. Even though the action sequences in the film are plentiful, the majority of them don't last too long. In the end, the action scenes here are numerous enough to make up for the lack of lengthiness in some of the action scenes, but not enough to make up for the overall lack of quality action.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sucker Punch

Run time: 110 minutes
Action time: 28 minutes
Action percentage: 25.5%
Action rating: 7.3/10
The level of action in this movie is pretty high, but there are really only four major action sequences. Even though each of the action sequences are fairly long, there still could have been more scenes of action in the film. In the end, there's enough awesome action moments here to satisfy anyone looking for great action.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Run time: 117 minutes
Action time: 22 minutes
Action percentage: 19%
Action rating: 6.9/10
The action that is in 300 is passable, although it could at least be a little bit better. There are a lot of good action moments in the movie, but it takes a little too long to get to the bigger action sequences that the film has to offer. In the end, even though there is some great action here, there could have been some more of it.


Run time: 162 minutes
Action time: 17 minutes
Action percentage: 10.5%
Action rating: 6.5/10
The action in this movie is good, but it doesn't spend enough time on the action sequences. There are a lot of  action scenes in the film, but none of them are really that lengthy, with most of them being one or two minutes long. In the end, it's great to having so many bits of action, though they could have had some of  them be longer.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Man of Steel

Run time: 143 minutes
Action time: 36 minutes
Action percentage: 25%
Action rating: 7.8/10
The action in this movie is probably the best in a super hero origin movie or reboot, and is definitely a step up from Superman Returns. There is action all throughout the movie, but it doesn't start to get ramped up until the last third of the movie. In the end, though, the movie delivers the kind of action you want to see in a Superman movie.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Superman Returns

Run time: 154 minutes
Action time: 25 minutes
Action Percentage: 16%
Action rating: 7.1/10
The action in this movie isn't that great, but really about average as far as super hero movies go. The action mainly revolves around rescues, and isn't focused on fighting because there isn't a super powered antagonist for him to fight against. In the end, it's just a missed opportunity here to make a modern action packed Superman movie.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Run time: 148 minutes
Action time: 25.5 minutes
Action percentage: 17%
Action rating: 7.1
The action in this movie is about on par with that of the The Dark Knight. There aren't really that many action sequences in the film, but there is a lot of action going on in the second half. Overall, Nolan has crafted some good action here, and keeps getting better at making great action movies that also have a unique flair about them.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Dark Knight Rises

Run time: 164 minutes
Action time: 44 minutes
Action percentage: 27%
Action rating: 8.5/10
This movie has the most action of Nolan's Batman trilogy and most comic book movie in general. There's about twice as much action as the other two films in the series. Nolan has pretty much mastered how to direct action in this one. In the end, there just isn't too much to complain about here action wise, and it more than delivered in that department.

The Dark Knight

Run time: 152 minutes
Action time: 25.5 minutes
Action percentage: 17%
Action rating: 7.1
The action in this movie is just a tad better than Batman Begins. There are a lot of  shorter action sequences, but only a couple of long ones. The action is shot a little bit better this time, and the editing isn't as quickly cut as the last film. Overall, the action is improved, although they could have made some of them longer than they are.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Batman Begins

Run time: 140 minutes
Action time: 23 minutes
Action percentage:  16.5%
Action rating: 7.0/10
The action in this movie isn't bad, although it could have been better. There are a lot of action scenes here, but a lot of them are very short. The fights are shot a little too close, with fast cuts that can be a bit annoying. Overall,  the action is really quantity over quality, even though there are some good action sequences.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Green Lantern

Run time: 114 minutes
Action time: 18 minutes
Action percentage: 16%
Action rating:: 6.6
The action in this movie isn't really that great at all. Most of the action scenes never really go anywhere and end up being quite dull, which is surprising given its mega huge production budget. The bottom line here is that the action ends up falling flat, and that's something you don't want to see in a comic book movie.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Transformers Dark of the Moon

Run time: 153 minutes
Action time: 49 minutes
Action percentage: 32%
Action rating: 8.7/10
The action in this movie is the best in the Transformers trilogy. There are a lot of action scenes in the first half of the movie, but they make up very little of the action time in the movie. That's because the movie's really long climax is where all the action is. Maybe they could of put more action in the first half, but overall, this has some of the best action in a comic book movie.

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

Run time: 150 minutes
Action time: 43 minutes
Action percentage: 29%
Action rating: 8.3/10
This movie's action is about on par with the first Transformers movie, which isn't a bad thing. The action is shot a little bit better this time around. The camera movement isn't nearly as distracting and is more focused. Overall, the bigger budget is put to good use here, as the effects look even better than in the first movie, which also makes the action better.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Run time: 143 minutes
Action time: 41 minutes
Action percentage: 29%
Action rating: 8.1 /10
This movie has some excellent action in it. There are about five major action sequences all together in the movie, but the majority of the action takes place at the movie's climax during the final battle. My only real complaint is that the camera movement during the action can be a bit distracting at times. Overall, though, the action is above average and features some great effects.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Run time: 132 minutes
Action time: 27 minutes
Action percentage: 20%
Action rating: 7.2/10
This movie has a little less action in it than the reboot does. The first real action sequence doesn't come in until about a third of the way through the movie, but after that the movie keeps a fast pace with very little time between action scenes. Overall, the action in the movie is good even though it takes a good while to get to it.

The Incredible Hulk

Run time: 112 minutes
Action time: 31 minutes
Action percentage: 28%
Action rating: 7.5/10
This movie has the most action of the Marvel Studios origin movies. That's not bad considering there are only three action sequences in the entire movie, but they end up being fairly lengthy. Overall, the quality over quantity approach works for the movie, though having one or two more action sequences in it couldn't hurt.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Captain America

Run time: 124 minutes
Action time: 30 minutes
Action percentage: 24%
Action rating: 7.4/10
This movie has a bit more action in it than some of the other Marvel Studios movies, and even though there is a decent amount of action in this movie, it doesn't really kick into high gear until it gets to the halfway point in the movie. Overall, there is plenty of action here to please both fans of superhero and action movies alike.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Run time: 115 minutes
Action time: 21 minutes
Action percentage: 18%
Action rating: 6.8/10
This movie has the least amount of action of the Marvel Studios movies. They could have the done a little more with the action earlier in the film, but the last half hour of the film has a good amount of action. Overall, there's some good action here even though they could have done a bit more with it in some parts of the movie.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Iron Man 3

Run time: 130 minutes
Action time: 33 minutes
Action percentage: 25%
Action rating: 7.6/10
This movie has the most action of the Iron Man movies and the rest of the Marvel studios movies except for The Avengers. It takes awhile for the action to get going, but when it does the movie stays at a pretty fast pace, especially in the last half hour or so with three back to back action sequences. Overall, the movie ends the trilogy on a high note action wise.

Iron Man 2

Run time: 124 minutes
Action time: 28 minutes
Action percentage: 22.5%
Action rating: 7.3/10
This movie has a little bit more action than the first Iron Man movie, although there aren't as many action sequences. The climax is almost twice the length of the first movie's climax, but the rest of the movie's action is a bit lacking. Overall, the action is good even though they could have done more with the earlier action sequences.

Iron Man

Run time: 125 minutes
Action time: 24 minutes
Action percentage: 19%
Action rating: 7.0/10
This movie has the shortest action time of the three Iron Man movies and only half of what The Avengers had. It has the usual number of action scenes superhero movies have, but some are really short and even the final battle is a little shorter than most. Overall, the action is pretty good, but they could have done more with some of the action sequences.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Marvel's The Avengers

Running time: 143 minutes
Action time: 50 minutes
Action percentage: 35%
Action rating: 8.8/10
This movie has a lot more action in it than the average superhero movie does or in action movies in general for that matter. There are the usual number of action sequences in the movie, but the second half of the movie is where most of the action is, with the last two action sequences providing much of the movie's action. Overall, this movie more than delivers the action you want in a comic book movie.